Do you want your salmon to last longer and are wondering if you can freeze it? How about fresh salmon, cooked salmon, previously frozen and thawed salmon, or even smoked salmon? In this post, you’ll learn everything about whether you can freeze and refreeze salmon.
We all love to keep frozen salmon at home due to its fast thawing process. If you suddenly feel hungry and need to satisfy your craving for a quick bite, salmon can be a lifesaver.
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Can you Freeze Salmon?
Yes, all types of fish and seafood are comfortable in the freezer. After all, they have been living in cold or sometimes freezing water. If you want to freeze salmon, put it in a freezer bag and be sure to squeeze all the air out because air is the number one enemy to all frozen foods.
Can You Freeze Raw Salmon?
Yes, you can. It’s best to buy high-quality fresh salmon if you need to freeze it.
Can You Freeze Cooked Salmon?
Yes, you can freeze cooked salmon. Make sure to let the salmon cool down to room temperature before freezing. You can follow the instruction below to freeze the salmon properly.
Can You Freeze Smoked Salmon?
Yes, smoked salmon will last for about 6 months in the freezer. If it’s longer than that, whether you’ve opened the package or not, the flavor of the salmon will deteriorate, making it unpalatable.
Can You Refreeze Salmon?
Yes, providing the salmon was fully thawed correctly, it will be safe to refreeze. However, if the fish was not appropriately thawed before, then you should avoid refreezing the salmon.
If the salmon did not thaw correctly and you go ahead and refreeze it, you risk damaging the salmon’s cell structure. Moisture can enter the fish resulting in a different texture and a lower standard of taste.
How to Freeze Salmon
- Buy high-quality salmon: If you buy fresh salmon, observe its physical features – firstly, the eyes. The salmon’s eyes should be bright and shiny. Avoid those with red eyes.
- Use freezer-friendly plastic bags: The amount of salmon in a bag depends on how much you eat in a meal. Remember to tightly roll the bag with the salmon inside to remove all of the excess air.
Pro Tips: When buying frozen salmon, always check the surface of the package. If there are small ice crystals, it’s a sign of freezer burn. Freezer burn happens when frozen food deteriorates due to dehydration and oxidation.
How to Refreeze Salmon
- Place a piece of parchment paper on the counter and wrap each salmon piece individually. This will you another layer of protection from freezer burn. It also stops the salmon pieces from freezing together to form a big frozen lump of fish!
- Place the wrapped salmon in resealable freezer-safe bags and then squeeze out any excess air before sealing the bag. It’s best to portion the fish out into separate bags if you will only want to defrost a few pieces at a time.
- Label the bag with the date of freezing to keep track of how long it is in your freezer.
- Place the bag on a flat surface in the freezer.
Things to Consider Before Refreezing
- How long has your salmon been left out? Make sure your salmon hasn’t sit at room temperature for too long. We recommend refreezing it within a 2-hour window.
- If the thawed salmon was kept in the refrigerator, it can remain in the fridge for a maximum of 2 days before it needs to be refrozen. The sooner you refreeze the thawed fish, the less likely you will encounter any safety issues.
How Long Does Salmon Last in the Fridge?
Typically, raw salmon from your local supermarket can be stored in the fridge for 1-2 days after purchasing, as it may have been a while before the fish reaches the store.
How Long Can Salmon Last in the Freezer?
If you have followed the proper steps to freeze or refreeze a piece of salmon, it can stay in the freezer for up to 8 months.
Is It Safe to Refreeze Salmon?
If you are following the steps we have suggested, it is perfectly safe to refreeze your salmon to be enjoyed later. You must ensure that the salmon has fully thawed and has not been left out for too long before you refreeze it.
There are physical signs you can look for if you are worried that the salmon has gone off. If there are any changes in the color, we would not recommend freezing or eating! If there is an odor, we would consider the fish spoiled and would not recommend consuming it.
How to Thaw Salmon?
- Refrigerator method: Remove the salmon from the freezer. Place the salmon in the refrigerator on a plate or in a bowl. Leave for 8 hours or overnight. Remove the salmon and cook!
- Coldwater method: Remove the salmon from the freezer. Place the salmon in a bowl of cold water. Discard the water every 30 minutes and replace it with fresh cold water. Repeat until the fish has completely thawed .
How to Cook Frozen Salmon
After thawing, always pat the salmon dry as gently as possible. You can leave it in the fridge for up to 2 days. If you follow these steps, the quality of your salmon will still be at its best.
Salt and pepper can enhance the flavor of salmon. Adding a squeeze of lemon is always welcome, and a caramelized texture is very enticing.
Best Salmon Recipes
Yes, you can freeze salmon. Frozen salmon will last for about 8 months and we recommend that you eat it as soon as possible after taking it out of the freezer.
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Can You Freeze Salmon + Baked Salmon Recipe
- 2 pounds frozen salmon filets or steaks
- 1 tablespoon canola oil
- ½ teaspoon salt or to taste
- ½ teaspoon black pepper freshly ground, or to taste
- lemon wedges for serving
- Remove the salmon from the freezer the night before and leave it in the fridge.
- Remove salmon from the fridge 20-30 minutes before cooking to let it approach room temperature for even cooking.
- Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
- Pat dry the salmon with paper towels. Then place it skin-side down on the prepared baking sheet. If there are any thin sections, tuck them underneath to prevent overcooking.
- Brush the top and sides of the salmon with oil. Then sprinkle salt and pepper on top.
- Place in the oven and bake for 12-14 minutes. It’s done when the fish is slightly springy in the thickest section and the internal temperature reaches 135-140°F.
- Remove from the oven and place the salmon on a plate. Remove the skin if desired and sprinkle fresh lemon juice on top to serve.
I. Have salmon it is in a sealed plastic. Container that I got. It is thawed. Can I still refreeze it it came in a plastic container.